Saturday, February 14, 2015

Protect yourself from a loophole Stagefright

Protect yourself from a loophole Stagefright

Gaps appear because some of the attacks and the attackers, and disappear because Trgiat corporate systems, the Android system from most regulations injury of holes, the most famous hole Stagefright which returned again, and this is the third time, after each time it is closed re-appear and in a way stronger.
As a user smart devices, you'll have quite something precious, and you should ensure it and close it and protect it, just as you protect your home and family from thieves, even if you do not have something precious for them, perhaps praying for something precious to you, this shall each user himself educate and developed in terms of technology.
Today Nhdzqm for a new loophole Stagefright, these known loophole, told you about several times before, especially since previous updates launched by all companies was a primary goal to close this gap, but unfortunately this gap reappear again and again and stronger, and this time returned more harmful way .
Stagefright gap back with Metaphor virus:
The new flaw has been renamed Metaphor, and is currently using the same method previously victimization, but in a different way somewhat, it has been relying on the recent attacks on a video clip is published in some of the pages, which are sent and publish pages bomb, the latter of which you open the video in later, through which it can be accessed to target and control device.
What are infected versions of this gap?
Truth number in the millions, because the affected versions are the most prevalent, and the exact version 2.2 until version 4.0, as well as versions 5.0 and 5.1 of the Android system, thus safe versions are starting from 4.1 and 5.1 stops, and the sixth version of Android.
What is to protect yourself from this loophole way?
As long as we know the reasons of which are infected devices, so the solution is short:
Update your device to the latest version of Android, the sixth or Marchimilo.
Replace your device that does not support versions are not affected.
The ideal way to protect yourself is to stay away from the reception of files, no matter how unknown persons, are also moving away from pressure on any link is reliable may cause harm your computer malicious files.
On the other hand, keep an eye out new security updates from companies producing phones, and of course the beginning of the party and its Google Nexus, and then followed by the rest of the other companies, so you must be careful on the security aspect of your well.

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