Thursday, May 5, 2016

5 misconceptions you think true on smartphones

1. Only use the charger included in the box?

If it were a proven fact, none of our smartphones would work in the office. To be quite honest with you, we rarely use the "right" magazine and our devices are almost always in charge.

Current, power, voltage ... you must know that all this affects the way a device is charged. All chargers offer different features and are generally optimized for a specific device or any product of the same ilk. As pointed our colleagues from ExtremeTech blog recently, "it is quite possible to connect a USB device to a USB cable and a USB port and nothing interferes them for their proper functioning," including because they are from the same family.


That said, the fact of using a more powerful charger can have a detrimental impact on the battery. That is to say, over the long term and the endurance of the battery daily. Many are inclined to say that the more time and supports more battery produce conclusive autonomy. We agree with this truth. Result, more powerful charger is more quality load becomes bad. Again, it appears many technologies which overcome the adverse effects of fast chargers and, for software and hardware optimizations.

For example, we can recall the Quick Charge technology. With a compatible device, the 2.0 generation of this technology is capable of recharging a mobile battery 0 to 60% in 30 minutes. Thinking about it, a lot like the travel chargers. But unlike the latter, Quick Charge will be able - with a compatible charger - optimize and erase these side effects tend to really damage the battery of a smartphone. A significant advantage, especially when we see that this technology is universal with compatible mobile devices. So, you should definitely ask if it is possible to use the rapid charger for HTC mobile to another compatible Sony. Yes, without any effect!
2. A black screen enhances autonomy?

This is a real fact, but that is not universal to all smartphones screens. Indeed, the fact of using a black screen "real" to reduce energy consumption is valid only with the screens that rely on LED technology (OLED, AMOLED, etc.). More clearly, the LED screens do not require energy to display black, as the LEDs it is considered extinct in this context.

This argument is unfortunately not valid for screens that use LCD technology, even for black pixels. This is partly because this type of display does not show true black, but also because the display light is not dependent on each pixel, but orderly distributed around it . Which is why this technology is more energy intensive than the AMOLED which is less but more expensive to produce.

3. Improved features for better performance?

After a while, we must admit that in 2011 high-end smartphone will not produce the same performance as the same caliber smartphone sold in 2015. At the same time, it is rather logical since components have changed in the meantime (miniaturization, less heat, faster, etc.). That said, it is not always advisable to move towards the highest characteristics that can host major flaws equipment. As was the case with the Snapdragon 810 in 2015, among others.

You'll understand the processor that displays the most number is not necessarily the most powerful / efficient. This is also why it is recommended to consult the opinion of people who truly have tried the product provided that other extolling the virtues of such that they do not even know and it by relying solely on the data sheet. This argument is valid for all characteristics: technology and screen resolution, RAM (including the generation may vary), number of megapixels a camera (the sensor quality and software optimization are the true masters), the battery capacity and the number of possible charging cycle (with batteries that encrypt many mAh, but which are actually dung).
4. Too leave load his phone may damage the battery?

This argument is only for very old smartphones, but for several years our mobile home developments and technologies that are able to counter this. So if you think that leaving connect your smartphone for a whole night will damage your battery, you are mistaken. Once loaded, the mobile stops to do that to get into a mode called "sector", like laptops. 


As already stressed Farbe Technik, a manufacturer of accessories around the battery charging, the gentleman says "Your phone is intelligent. Once the load is complete, the smartphone knows when to stop the current to protect itself and move in this sector and in order to avoid electrical overload. ".
However, it is important to note that a unit load increases the temperature of the battery, which in turn increases the phone. If you use the unit at the same time, these aspects will also be magnified, but they are generally prepared / tested against it. However, we recommend that you remove your smartphone from the case during charging, because it is precisely in such cases it can overheat and damage.5. A factory reset clears the data?
If you sell or dispose your Android, it is strongly recommended to reset the data from your smartphone to factory settings. Again, be aware that resetting your smartphone to its factory settings will remove the data from your smartphone, but not total so in some cases.
According to a survey conducted by the blog of ArtsTechnica specialists, the result is that "about 630 million phones fail to purge contacts, emails, images and more." On the other hand, it is also noted that a factory reset will not erase the data that is hosted on the external device - such as an SD card - a device. For this, we must pick the files and delete them by hand.

If data have been deleted after resetting a device, it's just because they have been in a state of suppression without being definition. Moreover, many specialists are struggling to say that to encrypt mobile before resetting it to its factory settings gives the best chance of success. I have yet to test for me, but I try and you'd make a return on it occasionally.

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