Sunday, May 8, 2016

A loophole in the security of Qualcomm processors allow hacked a large number of Android devices

Revealed security company FireEye and protection of security vulnerability in the security system Bkoalcolm allows hackers access to the chip embedded in the communications processors thus spy on Android devices.
Through a loophole exploited exceeded the powers, hackers can access to phone calls and SMS messages and see their records in terms of circulation numbers and dates, and others. Gap mainly affecting Android devices working copy Geely between 4.3 and earlier.
Hackers can exploit the loophole and stealthy as manager of the network so they can access everything uses a slice communications, including contact with the Internet through it. This is usually done through a stealthy malicious application is downloaded to the user's PC.
Fortunately, the working copy of the Android KitKat 4.4 devices and the latest was partially protected where they were to change the mechanism to deal with user data in the operating system. But there remains room for pirates through access to sensitive parts of the operating system and modification such as changing system settings or unlock it to allow greater hacked devices.
It is important to mention that Qualcomm flag immediately after the Vulnerability and within a short period of bridging the security according to the latest security update for Android was first released this month, thanks to the partnership agreement linking with FireEye discovered gap.
If you are a Nexus devices owners, you are safe because the security updates Android rotating receive first hand, but the rest of the hardware, especially the working copy like an old Android Jelly between, they are still vulnerable to penetration unless you send to manufacturers of security updates

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