Sunday, May 8, 2016

All what we expect to Apple developers conference WWDC 2016

Gearing technology giant Apple Developers Conference to be held in the thirteenth of the month of June, which will unveil the new Apple all of the technology and software in the future of Apple, and in the next lines we review all what we expect in the next Apple Conference WWDC 2016.
Apple is planning a company to reveal its future plans to change both the operating platform iPhone mobile iOS platform running Mac OS X, in the events of the next Developers Conference, which runs from 13 to 17 June 2016 and scheduled to be held in San Francisco, a date which revealed through digital assistant Siri in the month of April, and then rolled the details on the developers site Apple, despite the paucity of details of the conference from Apple, but there are some expectations that have sprung leaks about the details of the WWDC 2016 conference.

Re-design of Apple Music
A report from Bloomberg on Apple's plans to improve the user interface in the Apple Music, which makes Apple music service a service is expected to appear in the developers Apple conference, is expected to improve compatibility between the live broadcast and download music files from iTunes, is scheduled to announce these changes through the Apple developers Conference WWDC 2016.
Also among the changes that 9to5Mac site in a new design for the user interface in the Apple Music Service, where forecasts suggest a simple design more user interface revolves main theme on the black and white colors in the background, with some changes that presents the user with a smoother browsing and search experience by detecting in the Apple Music.
This also confirmed the site 9to5Mac that Apple Music service you will get more support for the use of Apple 3D Touch feature in the update, with the modernization of the service with the proposals presented to the user feature, along with improved iCloud Music subscribers in service.

The new version of the platform running Mac OS X
There is no doubt that the Mac OS X platform, or with the new name is expected to Mac OS operating platform is one of the main topics that Apple will unveil its new plans during the coming period.
Apple is expected to reveal the changes that will occur on the OS X operating platform scheduled to be launched in autumn this year, with 10.12 OS X version of the operating platform.
To date can not emphasize the changes that will occur on the operating platform, but the projections indicate that Apple gives the operating platform holds the title of one of California landmarks name to mimic Apple's previous choices in the operating platform.
It was also pointed out that Apple will support the digital assistant service Siri in the next update of the operating platform Mac OS X, with a list of new devices designed for the Mac, also it suggests a lot of expectations and leaks that Siri service will be the focus of the activities of Apple WWDC Conference 2016.
Recent leaks also indicated that Apple has changed the name of the Mac operating platform to MacOS, iOS emulating the phone iPhone, and in an hour watchOS smart Apple platform and run TV tvOS devices.

The new version of the iOS operating platform 10
One expected from Apple at WWDC announcements for this year's conference, but the projections indicate that the iOS platform 10 will not get on the dramatic changes, as is likely that this version supports the promotion of some of the advantages of running iOS platform 9 and the most important of which 3D Touch property.
Also among the expected advantages to get them running iOS platform 10 the ability to remove third-party applications used by new tools is expected to reveal it in the Apple Developers Conference.
Apple and other operating systems
Although the lion's share of Apple's focus in 2016 WWDC conference'll get two platforms OS X run, and iOS, but there are other Apple run expected systems to get minor improvements, including operating platform-hour Smart Apple watchOS 2, which revealed for the first time the developers of Apple Conference 2015, which is likely to get a new release also this year with a short review of minor changes that will be added to this version, as projections indicate that Apple will present the new version of Apple Watch 2 in the fall of this year, to get improvements in the inner content of the devices.

In the Apple platform tvOS TVs are forecast until now to focus Apple WWDC conference in 2016 on the operating platform applications to be updated to provide a new experience for the user.

Is it possible that we will see to disclose any of the new Mac?

WWDC conference mainly targets developers, that's not likely that we will see the emergence of any of the products aimed at the consumer of the new Macs, but the one Apple devices that have not been upgraded for a long time is the MacBook Pro computers, which are likely to appear in the WWDC Conference 2016 this year due to the passage of two years and a half on the upgraded Apple to these devices.

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