Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dragon born in Slovenia

A state of alert and waiting for the baby boomers, "dragon" in Slovenia

Within a Slovene caves visited by millions of tourists every year, guarding the amphibious strange and rare group of white object.

There is a belief that the blind salamander, found in rivers, caves Balkans, where more than a hundred years, but it whitens once or twice every ten years.

And he managed one of the females lay 50 to 60 eggs at Postojna Cave, featured signs, three of which growth.

No one km egg Stvks, or known exactly how long this time.

Sassou said Feldt, a biologist working at the cave, told the BBC: "Currently, three of which appear in good condition."

He was able Feldt and his colleagues take pictures with a long exposing to light in a dark cave in order to monitor the growth of embryos.

He added: "The female began to lay eggs in the January 30th. Still lay an egg or two eggs every day, it may take time about 120 days until they hatch."

"Something very strange," put about 60 eggs in rocky areas in Alkhvoevsr Feldt pointing out that the estimate is uncertain and depends on colony salamander blind formed in the fifties of the last century in the Underground Lab in Albrenneh French region, which live in warm water up the degree to which temperature to 11 degrees Celsius.

He said: "In Khvna temperature relatively cooler, with up to 9 degrees Celsius, so everything will drag his period of time."

This represents a unique opportunity and to observe the mysterious blind salamander, also known as Proteus, which breed in the same caves that millions of years ago where he lived.

Commented Dusan Djelic, the world of animals in fellowship Edge Society in London, and who teaches salamander blind through scuba diving in the caves of Croatia, saying: "This is very important to the unavailability of a lot of data about anything related to the proliferation of this group of animals."

He added that in the case of hatching and growth of the organism in a healthy way would be "something amazing."

Djelic said: "I do not ever find eggs or larvae in the wild, it is probably hidden in very special locations within the cave systems."

May take some time before 4 months Fiqotojd process maze of caves in Postojna system, and the inhabitants of these caves are wild salamander, but it is noted that this group of eggs placed in the aquarium in an area where frequent movement of visitors in the cave.

Said Primoz Gnyazda, a biologist working in Postojna Cave: "This is very surprising, very strange, but we fear that anything happening wrong, because the eggs is very sensitive."

Because it is the only vertebrate animal that lives in a cave in Europe, it quickly adapts to its environment and his kingdom under the ground.

Djelic said: "Over 200 million a year under (salamander) in an environment that has not changed."

As a result, it is, especially whites, are more susceptible to changes in water quality and temperature. Even though the seasons change almost does not reach the underground environment.

Dragon young visitors can follow female salamander through a camera mounted screens infra Ahamraupalaudh to 2013, salamanders lay another egg in Postojna, but did not hatch and devoured salamanders and other objects.

But this time featuring precautionary measures, as everyone except the mother farther and closed water basin to protect the eggs from the light. Oxygen has also been added.

Feldt said: "It is now in their hand."

And a camera placed infrared to provide work and leisure team in the cave alive on screen shots close to follow what is happening.

Even if there is no movement, the female salamander eggs will fluctuate from time to time, and put another white or protected from the object known Bmzdugat legs, a small object crusty hungry does not see, but he discovers his prey through the highly sensitive members of the Khtmh.

Salamander covered skin He has no eyes and breathes through gills also call him in Slovenia called "human fish" because of the skin characterized by animal Behtkma very strong sense of smell to help him in the whites control.

Feldt said: "the smell of eggs, so it can be recognized from the neighborhood is and who is dead. Because of the scarcity of food in the caves, they eat the egg is fertilized."

Salamander is also considered, or Proteus, a symbol of Slovenia, so that it shows up on the currency before adopting the euro.

And hundreds of years ago, when the flood waters washing away objects from the caves of the region, was considered small dragons.

During the past few weeks, it has become the "mother of the Dragon" in the famous Postojna and carry on the small aspirations of many people assumed, which is also felt by biologists in the cave.

Feldt said: "It's something of a challenge and responsibility."

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