Wednesday, May 4, 2016

They found alive after 13 years under the rubble

They found alive after 13 years under the rubble

Venezuelan managed to rescue team recovered the man in the second and the seventy -year- old alive from the rubble of a building partially collapsed in the quake , which struck Ecuador 13 days ago, according to the announcement by the Venezuelan Embassy in Quito. 

The embassy said that rescuers Venezuelans performing duties in the region, they recovered in the town of Manuel Vasquez Jaramejo in Manabi province. 

And the man recovered from the rubble circumstances, the official spokesman of the Venezuelan embassy added that rescuers had heard "noises coming from a building partially collapsed," When they came to the source of the sound, where they found a man stuck in a room. 

And bail him out after he was transferred to the hospital quickly, which is suffering from chronic renal failure and dehydration and malnutrition have lost a number of their toes. 
The earthquake that hit Ecuador, a magnitude of 7.8 degrees, the worst witnessed in Latin America since the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and killed 659 people dead and 33 missing and 4605 wounded.

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