For as long as Obherna world of living creatures richness and beauty of the infinite, but not everything that glitters is gold and not all that is under the soil dust, because we are going to see today a group of amazing creatures that I advise you - if you saw - stay away as quickly as possible!
And see well in both close-up picture and realize good ones. It may be the last thing in your life show you:)
To identify the most toxic creatures and ferocity in the world because they do not take time to eliminate their prey:
1. fish box jellyfish Box jellyfish
This animal has four eyes water does not possess a brain, however it avoids most smaller objects when his movement, and often avoids humans as well, but only when it does not arouse anger!
Has caused 5567 deaths, at least in 1954 (Are large percentage?).
Poison in the tentacles resides biting (numbering from 10: 60 in every corner of the staff, and length up to about 14:00) and is characterized by Blzojtha for easy sticking to the victim .ogalba that leave large scars and severe pain is very bad and the injuries of breath and heart disease and blood vessels.
His whereabouts: in shallow water shoreline of Australia and the Pacific.
How to survive this deadly: is the material vinegar Bsakbha home as soon as possible to the place of infection vinegar task it is not to minimize the pain, but to stop the discharge of the poison inside the human body, add to that need the victim to the ventilator, recovery and painkillers.
Do you want to play with him ..! :)
2. cobra Cobra
Always been my view that there are names applied wholeheartedly labeled including this strange animal, his name "Cobra" You can feel the name and the extent of seriousness and intelligence, which already Maeetmaz do, Veldgh one of it can kill an elephant to his last breath, or 20 man within 3 hours !!
It is known to call it is not the worst among the other types of snakes like black Almamba (the most deadly in Africa and the world), but what distinguishes the cobra venom they can pump at a rate 5 times faster than black Almamba!
The animal can increase the length of about 5.6 meters (about nearly 18.5 feet), and live cobra in the areas of Southeast Asia and India, despite its ferocity and seriousness it weighs 6 kg.
3. marble cone snail Marbled Cone Snail
It acquires its name from its shape, in spite of severe weakness and a youngster, but he was chosen from among the five most dangerous toxic animals, drip and one of it is enough to kill a man over 20, but fortunately the real purpose of the poison is hunting prey.
There is often in warm salt water. If I saw one day not thinking of capture:) I see, but never thinking of staying in these waters:)
Exposure to poison this creature to severe pain, swelling, muscle paralysis and respiratory distress have been registered about 30 deaths because of it. But be careful, it does not have an anti-feature !
4. octopus with a blue ring Blue-Ringed Octopus
Although in the size of a golf ball, but the feature he can kill a human and the reality that it carries enough poison to kill adults in about 26 minutes.
I call this the octopus because the effect of the drug immediately SMH very deep on the human muscles with shortness of breath and eventually death, and can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Australia.
"Did we never mentioned the Pacific Ocean?! It seems really name is not on the name:) "
Beware: no antibodies to stop the effect of the poison!
5. deadly Scorpion Death Stalker Scorpion
Some say that the scorpions are relatively fatal to humans because of the stings locally affect the swelling only pain, but with this scorpion Valkhtorh increase to the fullest extent!
Valsm that contains this Scorpio powerful combination leads to pain is possible, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and then death is expected from the beginning! It is known that young children and the elderly are the most fear of the Scorpions for adults.
Spread this kind of scorpions in North Africa and the Middle East and his name is due to how dangerous he is always anticipating the death of his prey.
To find out more about him 1.2
6. Stone fish Stone fish
Maybe I did not win this fish contest Miss Fish:) but inevitably must win contest the most evil and poison and harm the fish in the world!
Treatment for capacity is amputation of the affected part of the body, because of capacity leads to paralysis and death of the infected tissue part. And if not given care within hours Studi lives of the injured, they name stored in her spine ugly scene, but the scene viciousness have the wisdom of God, namely, how to deal with other predators around. Mostly above the Tropic of Capricorn lives are often found shallow marine waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean ..! To the Indian Ocean
7. Spider Brazilian mobile The Brazilian wandering spider
It is a spider who in 2007 appeared in the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular in the seriousness of the SMH and claimed responsibility for most of the human deaths.
Gravity lies in the surprising her killed because they disappear during the day in the densely populated areas both inside houses, clothes, shoes and cars.
066. milligrams all of this poison is enough to kill a small rat. It also is known to be more dangerous to the physical condition of the human being.
8. Internal Altaipan Inland Taipan
- Scientific name: Oxyuranus Microlepidotus.
- Common name: Internal Altaipan "Inland Taipan", violent serpent "Fierce Snake", a snake with small Alhrashiv "small scaled snake".
All names descriptive of the form
Length of up to two meters and are endemic to central Australia and secrete the amount of venom from a single bite can kill 100 adult man or 250,000 Vor.omn agreed that cm inner Altaipan stronger 50 times the CM Indian cobra and 650-850 times the snake with bells with back-eastern diamond and west .
9. poison dart frog with arrow Poison Dart Frog
Label were not here on the shape and proportion, but to use because the Indians were using poisonous secretions putting the arrows and thus kill the person in a very short time.
The overall shape of the body is not different from the frogs normal and did not evolve to be a good swimmer, but skipping skillful, where the strength and the length of the hind legs and generally grows poison dart frog from 2 to 5 cm is small in size and jumps of more than 10 to 20 cm at best.
This species is considered very poisonous species and kill a human as soon as contact with her, where his skin secretes a toxic substance called "Batrakocena" and 2 micrograms of this poison that contains one skin which is enough to kill 10 adults than 20,000 rats and spread to central South America.
"Pay particular attention if you are going through the rainforest in there somewhere in South America, do not pick up a frog beautiful and colorful:)"
10. puffer fish Puffer Fish
This kind of fish makes District (Mitt District)
Because in the poisoning of some part of the human body, it affects the tongue and lips, and to destroy Ansjtahma, as it leads to vomiting, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, muscle paralysis and suffocation finally the muscles of the diaphragm and then death. And often it ends with the death of the infected period 4:24 hours from the time of injury
Statistics show that there is a 20:40 accident poisoning annually between 1996: 2006 throughout Japan and up to six deaths.
And baffling - Glory of the Creator - that this type of fish with edible in Japan and Korea cut off, but the problem such as the above that the skin and some of the bodies are very toxic to humans.
• It's really hard to say that this creature is the most Sama in the world, or is the richest contain toxic chemicals, or was the fiercest of the other victims and countless during the year.? It is an expression already very dangerous creatures that use the toxic chemical is toxic in the first place to defend itself, by the sting, bite or appeal.
However, it is currently the theory, we all agree that every animal Sam is really serious
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