Sunday, May 8, 2016

A partnership between Google and Fiat Chrysler about a self-driving cars

Chrysler car that are subject to development

Google Inc. today announced via the official publication on Google Plus they held a partnership with Fiat Chrysler deal with joint cooperation on self-driving cars, a technology that the US company's technical test them for some time is not quite a while in four US cities. Based on the new partnership, the goal is 100 Resume vehicle leadership development using minivan design that exists among Fiat Chrysler.
It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that Google operates with a car company on a self cars hers leadership project, but it is good anyway until we see Google technology in a real car can ride and not experimental models - bad design - which appeared in various photos.
Google is not the only mechanism that develops leadership techniques, Fsharkp Tesla, for example - produce electric cars - testing and development of this technique consistently and was able to reach impressive results in the past few years, and Volvo are the other has sold in this area.
On the other hand, there are some rumors about Apple's her own car powered by electricity development, but until now did not come out any official details around or leaking design principled, what we know it will work, such as electric car Tesla.

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