Sunday, May 8, 2016

Telegram vs. BBM

Channels feature in applications Instant opened the way social publishing and contributed to the expansion of those applications and gain a larger audience, several months before the channels feature appeared in the application Allagram, inciting a strong shift to the application and opened the door to a wide range of business and marketing this application and within the audience, but Malayalmh many people, especially non-interested BLACKBERRY and its applications, that the application of the official BBM Messenger BLACKBERRY has allowed channels property by Allagram long duration.
Although the application of BBM is an application Instant official phones BlackBerry, but it is also available on the rest of the systems, the Android and iPhone, as well as for Ondoz iPhone, and application began in the provision of channels property in 2013, channels for those who do not know is the tool that allows the deployment of content to Mgmehor widely within the application users through it can be for companies and organizations that have a presence within the application and gain new followers.
In this article we will feature a comprehensive comparison of the channels in both the application and the application Allagram BBM to discover the advantages and shortcomings in both applications, and to decide which is chosen for the beginning of the new channel and build interactive audience.

Content form:

 There are several forms of content (text - Audio - visual ... etc) and publish content in multiple forms is important in order to enrich the content and delivery of information Bkhl best, any two applications supports more form of content ya see?
Telegram: textual content can be deployed, as well as audio content through direct registration or by downloading audio files as well as images and videos as well, as can also publish other files such as PDF files BBC and other channels across Allagram.
BBM: can only publish textual content + images, you can not publish other types of content
Allagram channels outperform significantly in this property on the channels of the BBM Fetra content and diversity adds a great advantage because it helps to spread the distinctive multi-use content.

Interaction with content:

 Interaction with the content of the important things in this day and age, Valmstkhaddm does not like to be a role only receiving, he likes to have a role in the content industry and give its opinion, and perhaps the most important feature in this section are the property of the comments, what Alttbakan supports adding comments to the channel publications?
Telegram: common in the channel can only receive, there is no interaction with the content tools
BBM: Subscribers can comment on the channel publication, can also comment on others' comments will Comments are Off show from the main suspension, the other thing is a property (admiration) where admiration code under each publication shows the user can click on it to express his admiration for publication.

Share content:

 The participation of the effective means to spread the channel or page in social networking in general networks property, they are dangerous tool that makes content spreads widely in Russia, just as a publisher, but the deployment of a very distinctive content will find its way to spread thanks to multiple participating properties, So the question is how can publish and share publications in each of the channels and the BBM Telegram
Telegram: can share published and sent to the Community and to other friends within Telegram easily by means of rapid transmission property, also can redeploy published in channel-operated, where a small arrow appears next to each publication can click on it and then choose the intended transmitting it, beautiful It is that the publication is sent in the form of a quote so that it appears in the above source this is useful for keeping property rights.
There is also a new feature appeared in the final version of the application, the possibility of the deployment of the publication to outside the perimeter Telegram, through the provision of special link publication can copy and paste it or send it to anyone through other social networks, but the recipient of this link will be able to open the publication unless It has a copy of the application on his phone or his computer.
BBM: Under each publication in the channels of the BBM no participation icon, by which to send the publication to any other friend within the application, as can redeploy published in the channel run, but there is no deployment and post to groups within the application, as well as there is no way to deploy prism outside the application, as is the case in the Telegram.

External links:

 The possibility of posting links within the channel is important, because the widespread use of these channels is for digital marketing in which it is required to send links to pages and sites to the channel subscribers and gain visitors through the channel

Telegram: Can posting links within the publication channel, as well as the application will display a brief preview of the content of the link, where the thumbnail image and a portion of the text appears inside the web page.

BBM: links can be deployed in the canals publication, but the application does not provide the quick preview feature to link content

Reports and statistics:


 Telegram: The number of subscribers in the channel shows for everyone in front of the channel's name, and also the number of views each publication appears below each publication and will be available for managers as well as ordinary visitors.

BBM: the number of participants shows for everyone, but the number of views published only for the director of shows through the control panel does not appear to members, and also shows the number of Likes as well as reviews under each publication for all.

Gain followers:

Telegram: provides application Allagram a special ID to each channel (username) is a unique name of the user choice when creating a channel (in English of course) This identifier is the main vehicle for the dissemination of the channel between the users, when you want to deploy the channel link within the application you had to do, but writing the symbol (@) followed by channel ID without spaces, and this will be the identifier clickable and then go to the channel.

Outside the field of application, dissemination channel link is easy, there is a long link your channel, which can be clicked on from anywhere in the web.

BBM: provides application BBM property of the (pin) which is a unique number for each user as well as for each channel within the application, through this number can access the channel and dissemination among users, but there is no way to get an external link to a unique channel to my knowledge.

There is a property characterized by the channels of the BBM channels Allagram, namely the barcode, where it is set up a special bar code to each channel, through this bar code users can access to the channel and subscription, so you can copy the bar code and published via the Web for easy access to the channel.

Display and alerts:

 How are presented and show the channel publications within both applications? Do you appear in place an ad or in the main interface? And what alarms system here and there? A user can control these alerts on and off?

Telegram: show channels with both groups and personal conversations at the same interface, ensue from top to bottom according to the latest publication of the update, but the distinction between these three types by small icons next to them. User also gets alerts from channels such as regular messages with the possibility Tsamat channel not to receive any future alerts.

BBM: put channels here a little bit different, where channels leaflets offering in a separate tab, where publications are friends there, as well as page publication, so that they are separate from personal conversations and correspondence, and also there are no alerts property, so the channels here is not a marketing tool as strong as is the case Allagram in which publications reach a large number of subscribers.

Communicate with the Director:

 Availability of TV channels (BBM) useful feature not found in the (Telegram), namely the possibility of communicating with the owner of the channel via the private messaging, subscribers can send private messages to the owners channel, as the owner can channel open this feature on or off, as well as can be for him to determine the times Send a specific but not always, a very useful feature for the management of the channel effectively.

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