Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jolla ad raising $ 12 million to boost Sailfish OS

The Finnish company founded by former Nokia has just succeeded in raising $ 12 million for the survival, at least until the end of the year, of Sailfish OS.


If some perhaps skeptical, Sailfish OS is not quite dead. The Android-based operating system developed by Jolla could even take up the ranks since the manufacturer has just announced a fundraising of $ 12 million. A sum that will enable the company to recruit developers, but especially to promote Sailfish OS before finding new contracts with mobile manufacturers.
This strategic direction was announced in February Jolla having been forced to note that the development of its own products is not easy. Witness the cancellations of some orders Jolla Tablet, the most crushing defeat of the firm. In the end, Jolla has also supplied as 661 tablets.
Last February Jolla also announced a partnership with Robotic Turing Industries and equip the Turing Phone. A product that has too late. It was to be finally delivered in April, but the company has once again back advancing maturity in June for the first deliveries.


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