Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Distribution of Android versions: Marshmallow off, finally

As every earlier this month, Google published its array of versions of Android distribution statistics. This month, the trend is easy to analyze: Marshmallow increased significantly while all other versions are falling or stagnating.

Android 6.0 Mashmallow was installed on 4.6% of Android devices last month and now represents 7.5% of them. A beautiful progression of 2.9 points, comparable to that of last month, 2.3 points. No doubt, manufacturers have finally decided to update their devices. It was time, Android N is already in beta test.

For other versions of Android, the overall trend is downward. Android Lollipop is still the version of Android the most present on Android with 35.2%, down 0.2 points. Android 4.4 KitKat continues slowly but surely erode and lose 0.9 points this month, but retains its second place with 32.5%. Finally, Jelly Bean is 20.1% and lost 1.2 points. By comparison, in April 2015 was Jelly Bean installed on 40.7% of Android devices. We see the path in one year.

As for the very old versions of Android, they also continue to decline. Ice Cream Sandwich, Gingerbread and Froyo they count to three 4.5%, down 0.6 points from last month. Froyo, with its 0.1% never seems to leave the table. 

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