Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Twitter: a "Connect" tab to find more easily the world to follow

To make it more dynamic network, Twitter has added a section to its mobile application. This makes it easy to find contacts of interest and thus to expand its News Feed.


The principle and the interest of Twitter based on the accounts you follow. The social network allows to be informed about the activity of your friends, family, public figures and even businesses and associations (media, sports teams, recreation areas ...). Must still find the accounts.

To facilitate this, Twitter has just introduced a new tab of its application entitled "Connect". This includes "a detailed list of people and accounts that you might like to follow." This selection by an algorithm based on various items such as accounts you already follow the tweets you 'Likez "popular accounts in your region or even world events live. Your contact list is synchronized to be notified when a your friend creates his own alias to chirp.


 This feature is already available. To access it, simply press the Connect   the top of its News Feed.

This is not the first attempt of Twitter to increase the number of interactions between its subscribers. On the web version already, a box at the top right always offers accounts to follow based on the same principle. Some recommendations also appear in the stream of tweets, offering messages or popular accounts. Those who prefer not otherwise see their flow parasitized by this kind of message may look for an alternative to the original client.

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