Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why do bees in the winter ?

In the winter, congregate around some of the chicken to warm himself, and bears sleep in warm caves, birds fly south for the winter slumber. But what about the bees? And what you do in the winter? Bees also has his own way to avoid the cold during the winter , depending on the winter reserves of honey. 

When the temperatures begin to drop foretaste By the winter and cooler weather, stop son from going out to collect nectar, and in that time the bees gather in the form of stuck together the center of the cell group, just like the rally a football team before the start of the match, but the difference is that the bees remain community the center of the cell throughout the winter until temperatures rise! 

Bees have a job and the only one in the winter, a Queen care, and through the warm, safe keeping, where the worker bees inform the Queen to their bodies to Ckln mass around granted by the warmth and safety, and the worker bees during Ahatthn of Queen Brverwh Ojnanhn continuously to generate needed to maintain the internal temperature of the cell energy warm. 

But in order to get the worker bees needed to flap their wings energy for a long period of time they need to get a sufficient amount of honey, so we find that beekeepers keen to provide a sufficient amount of honey in the hive throughout the winter. 

Although the queen is the center of mass, and the focus of attention in the cell, but the worker bees are keen on a flutter Ojnanhn from outside the assembly to the inside of the cell so you do not feel any bee cold, the more temperatures were lower extracellular whenever bees block in the home is becoming more compact. 

In order to maintain body temperature stable and survive, bees must rely on honey to get enough energy. Studies indicate that the Beehive consume nearly 30 pounds (about 13 kilograms) of honey inventory over the winter one. As for the warm days during the winter, Vtstglha bees out of the hive and remove body waste out.

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