Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Deployment of 4G in France in April: Orange idling, the 700 MHz band also

As the beginning of each month, the national agency of frequencies (ANFR) book his observatory deployments and 4G antenna sites in France. The opportunity to see precisely advances each operator depending on frequency bands they use. In this game, there is Orange settled for a small month, less than a hundred new antennas activated. Meanwhile, SFR er Free Mobile bustle.

 The failure of the acquisition of Bouygues Telecom Orange has weighed in the balance or not, it is clear that April - statements of ANFR are valid May 1 - that was idling in the incumbent. While in February it had won 260 antennas (and supports) 4G, and in March, it had activated 188 in the past month, he was content to put into operation 88 antennas / 4G supports. 62 of them are based on the 800 MHz frequency, or half as much as the previous month, and only 24 on the 2600 MHz band. Despite the increase in permits issued by the authorities on the issue on the 1800 MHz band, Orange still points to zero antenna.Bouygues Telecom is also a short month, so it is referred in March, where he won 676 4G supports. Last month, he has commissioned 382, ​​which remains well above the figures of the operator to the beginning of the year, marked by a wait.For their part, SFR as Free Mobile have not been idle. With 420 4G supports activated to the red square, and 430 for Free, the two operators remain neck and neck. SFR retains a greater number of antennas (8026 in total, of the 800 and 2600 MHz bands, against 6892 in Free Mobile), the fourth operator retains the lead in terms of 4G support available, with 6314 against 5786 stands at SFR. Free indeed ahead of the 1800 MHz band, where it has deployed 250 antennas during the month of April.

 The humble beginnings of the 700 MHz band

 Before the summer - and Euro 2016, which forced the four operators to increase their efforts in the hexagonal stage - things should change. It must be remembered that Orange and SFR will issue from this May 25 on the 1800 MHz band, where they are content for the moment to carry out tests. June should see this as rapidly evolving 4G coverage in both operators.

The 700 MHz band, finally, appears also in statistics ANFR. However, the situation has not changed one iota since last month, where they had emerged three antennas permits Bouygues and three at Free Mobile. Only one of them was commissioned by Bouygues in the thirteenth arrondissement, while Free Mobile, which is rather a deployment in the south of the Hexagon, has not yet taken action .

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