Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Digital Law: we prepare the Senate for better support the digital economy?

Since the beginning of the week, the Senate examines the bill for a digital Republic, a project very broad law that aims to better support both the actions of individuals (revenge porn) that companies (abuse of dominance) or administrations (free software, open data) on the canvas. Here are some steps the Senate these days.

We must first know the different amendments approved by the Senate since April 26 will not all be included in the future law. Once the Senate has reviewed and amended a portion of the bill, a joint committee will be responsible for deciding whether or not next week which will be retained. However, here are two measures that should be monitored closely.

Better regulate the activities of Google
We were talking this morning, the discontented Senate on the progress of the investigation by the European Commission on a possible abuse of dominant position on the part of Google, passed an amendment to prohibit Google to put forward its own services within its search engine. This is actually a precautionary measure, that is to say that senators are already implementing a law to limit the abuse potential of Google in France before the European Parliament in charge. With the arrival of Margrethe Vestager, recent European Commissioner for Competition, it will not be long.

 Curb illegal subletting by forcing renters to register
Airbnb was not spared by the Senate. Target ? Subletting. Recall that in order to rent her apartment on Airbnb, you must either own the apartment or having obtained the written agreement of the owner. Otherwise, it's illegal and to better control these wild sublets, the Senate passed an amendment allowing municipalities with more than 200,000 residents make registration of point locations through websites such as Airbnb.
Specifically, these towns may determine - if they agree - the minimum number of nights from the time registration is required and whether the registration applies only to primary residences. This recording then will track the locations of activities of each rental and check that there is no cheating. An amendment supported by Axelle Lemaire and should, if all goes well, be adopted by the joint committee.

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